Bored But Lazy

I Got Scammed

Justin Curran Episode 30

You read that one right. The deal that was too good to be true... was. Not like that's ever happened before ever.

First of all, John Anthony Miller, I've got some colorful words you for in this episode that I can't include in the description of this episode.

Secondly, I need you all out there to report either of these two profiles. - this is the one he got me on.

Thirdly, Lisa Parker and NBC 5 Responds, I'm coming your way! Help me out!

Most importantly - Chase and Zelle, please help me out here. PLEASE I BEG YOU.

The transaction went through via Zelle, but not Chase yet. Please Chase don't approve it, please.

Ugh. Tough bid for sure.

You get what you pay for.

Man I feel dumb.

Goes to show it can happen to the best of us.

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